
Energy Production

The Idea

In the years 2021 and 2022, Emelong Foundation e.V., in collaboration withRobert Bosch GmbH and GoodThinks GmbH, undertook a transformativeproject to install a solar system. This innovative system has revolutionized the process of pumping water from the borehole to a 2000-liter safetytank, ensuring a sustainable and reliable water supply. Additionally, the solar system provides electricity to the entire school premises and powers various appliances. With the generous support of Robert Bosch GmbH andGoodThinks GmbH, Emelong Foundation has successfully implemented this impactful project, significantly improving access to clean water and electricity within the community.

That's where we stand

Reliable Electricity: The impact of our project extends beyond water supply. The installed solar system also serves as a reliable source of electricity for the entire school premises. This clean energy solution has transformed the way the school functions, powering various appliances and creating a conducive environment for learning and growth.


Addressing the Energy Crisis: In Nigeria, the unreliability of the state electricity supply, commonly known as NEPA, has posed substantial challenges to communities. This lack of consistent electricity availability has hindered progress and growth. Our installation of the solar system was driven by the pressing need to offer a dependable energy alternative that transcends the limitations of the existing infrastructure.


Advancing Sustainability: Beyond immediate advantages, our solar-powered electricity solution contributes to long-term sustainability. By embracing clean energy, we reduce the carbon footprint and promote eco-friendly practices, aligning with global efforts to combat climate change.

As we reflect on these accomplishments, we acknowledge the urgency to continue our mission. Challenges persist, and the journey ahead demands ongoing commitment and innovation. Emelong Foundation e.V. remains resolute in its dedication to creating positive change, with an unwavering focus on the well-being and advancement of the community we serve. Through collaboration, innovation, and perseverance, we will continue to illuminate the path toward a brighter future.

That's what we still need to accomplish

With the foundation of a steady and reliable power supply through our solar system, we are now poised to further enhance the educational experience and overall well-being of the students. As we look to the future, Emelong Foundation e.V. has identified key goals that will further elevate the school environment and empower the community we serve.

1. Lamp Fixing and Illumination: One of our immediate priorities is to address the lighting situation within the school premises. Due to financial constraints, several lamps remain unfixed, impacting the quality of lighting in various areas. Our goal is to secure the necessary funds to fix these lamps, ensuring a well-lit and safe environment for both learning and other activities.

2. Technological Advancement: We recognize the transformative power of technology in education. To this end, we aspire to equip the school with modern computer systems and a projector. This technological upgrade will enable interactive learning experiences and enhance the curriculum delivery. The projector will also serve as a valuable resource for recreational and creative activities, enriching the students’ overall educational journey.

In pursuit of these goals, Emelong Foundation e.V. will continue to seek partnerships, funding opportunities, and collaborations with organizations that share our vision. Our unwavering commitment to creating positive change remains steadfast, and we look forward to realizing these aspirations for the betterment of our community and the education of our children.